Saturday, November 30, 2013

Miracle 38: Prayers For Another

I cannot wait for you to keep reading today! This incredible miracle is one that brought tears to my eyes. This woman is amazing.

I grew up in the south, and had never even heard of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I was married, but separated from an abusive drug addict, struggling to raise our two precious daughters. My husband had moved across the country to start a new business with his father. I was trying to decide if I should move out there with him, and repair our marriage. He made a lot of promises to change, and to get clean and sober. 

I did not know what to do. I was scared. And as I was wrestling with these big decisions, two missionaries knocked on my door. A sweet spirit unlike I've ever witnessed before, came over me, and I knew that their message for me was true before they uttered a word. I invited them in, but because I was alone, they rescheduled a visit for a time they could bring a sister with them. 

Well, our schedules never worked out, so I never heard their message. All I had was the Book of Mormon they gave me. In the meantime, I had decided to get back together with my husband. I told the missionaries on the phone that I was moving. The elder said (and I will never forget this... It still gives me chills, and you will see why at the end of my story), he said, "I don't know why we came to your house. We were not in your neighborhood, but the spirit directed us to your door. Something is telling me that you are in danger and the gospel will save you. I really want to give you the message Heavenly Father has for you. I don't think you should leave. I am going to pray that you hear the gospel when you get to wherever you are going. I will pray for your safety."

 After that, I thought that guy was nuts. It freaked me out and at the time I felt glad that I didn't tell them where I was going. It was creepy! Fast forward a few weeks later and the first person I meet in my new home town thousands of miles away, is a Mormon. Fast forward months later, and I am trapped in a nightmare of unbelievable domestic violence. I lost my job as a teacher because of bruises and marks all over me. And my husband was stalking me at school, making sure I was there.

Later, the Mormon I met on my first day there, comes back into my life and hears that I lost my job. He offers me a job in his auto repair shop. I take it. He teaches me the gospel every day. 

I get baptized. And then the abuse gets worse. Much worse. This man rescues my two little girls and me. After an 18 month legal battle, we are finally free, and we came back to Georgia to start our lives over.
A year later, some friends from church set me up on a blind date. 6 weeks later, we got engaged and 6 weeks later, we got married! A year later, he adopted my two little girls, and we've had three more babies since! We've been married 14 years now, and are more in love than ever. We are a forever family.

I wish I knew who the elder's name who listened to the spirit and prayed on my behalf. I was too ashamed of the abuse to ask for help. If it had not been for the man who rescued us, I would not have lasted much longer. I would not be here today. Heavenly Father hears our prayers for others. I am so thankful that someone was willing to pray for me.

There can be miracles when you believe in God.

Have a miracle to share? Find me on Facebook: Sister-Jenessa Hutchins or like the When You Believe in God Facebook page! I would love nothing more than to share your miracles with the world.   

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