Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Miracle 95: Then You Knocked On My Door

This darling miracle is from a sister missionary serving in Jacksonville, Florida with me for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The fruits of missionary work truly are miracles.

My companion and I were working hard trying to find, teach, and baptize like missionaries are suppose to. We knocked on door after door with little success. One day after an amazing trade-off with our sister training leaders and a new resolve to find those people who would listen to our message, we knocked on the door of a family that we hadn't been able to contact.

We knocked twice and we were about to turn away and give up. We decided to knock one more time...and the door opened! A man that hasn't been to church in a long time opened the door and he invited us in to introduce us to his non-member wife. She was really nice but seemed a little hesitant. We were able to recount Joseph Smith's humble prayer and as we told her of the vision he saw, the spirit filled the room. The room was silent... Then she began to cry. She told us that she had been going through a hard time and she was ready to give up her faith. She had been praying and asked God to give her a sign..."Then you knocked on my door."

We continued to teach her the lessons and everything made sense to her. She said that it felt right. We invited her to be baptized and she was so excited!
The day of her baptism finally came and it brought the whole family together. Her Catholic mother was touched by the spirit. Her mother cried and gave everyone hugs. Her father-in-law who had stopped going to church saw her example and committed that he would come back to church. He then was able to perform the baptism as a worthy Priesthood holder. The spirit filled the room as we gathered around the baptismal font and watched her baptism. As she came up out of the water she smiled and then put her hands over her face and began to cry. Later she told us that she felt it! She felt the spirit as she was baptized. She now feels at peace. After so many years, she finally feels at peace. She said she can sleep better at night than she has in a long time. She is now a faithful member of the church. She attends church with her husband and she has a new light about her. Her story is truly a miracle and only happened through the grace of God.

There can be miracles when you believe in God.

Have a miracle to share? Find us on Facebook: Sister-Jenessa Hutchins and Sister-Jenessa Heckel or like the When You Believe in God Facebook page! We would love nothing more than to share your miracles with the world.

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