Saturday, January 25, 2014

Miracle 88: Miracle of the Manatees!

This incredible miracle comes from a woman in Lake Butler that is dearly loved. Her story is oh so inspiring.

On Wednesday, March 13th, I went on a field trip with the gifted students to swim with the manatees. That evening I found a lump in my right breast. I called the doctor the next morning and she worked me in for a mammogram/ultrasound. She said the wetsuit possibly could have brought the lump to the surface (tender mercies!). She went ahead and drew fluid and I received the results the following Wednesday that the cells were abnormal and within a few weeks I was diagnosed with cancer. Surgery was required and decisions had to be made. Following this diagnosis and in the midst of deciding to have a mastectomy, I received a Priesthood blessing from two Priesthood holders from my church congregation.

As more details were learned about the severity of my cancer, we decided that a mastectomy was the best option. During the surgery, my tech was a former gifted student of mine (tender mercy once again!). After the long surgery on April 18th was over, the next week I was told there was no cancer left! All I now needed to do was rest for 4 weeks and then recieve 4 Chemotheraphy treatments. This whole adventure has been a whirlwind. On March 14th we’re wondering what the small squishy lump was, and a little over a month later, I’m a breast cancer survivor!

All of the doctors were surprised that the cells multiplied so rapidly. Instead of the tumor sitting and getting larger and sending cells to other areas, it started multiplying right away. Those cells would have been more widespread if the wetsuit had not compressed the breast tissue making the lump more noticeable. It could have lain dormant for longer and been a much more serious issue.
The miracle of the manatees is that I would NEVER have worn a wetsuit to swim with anything else. I would NEVER have swam with manatees if I hadn’t lived in this area of Florida, and they have become my new favorite animals. Since I have to renew my tag this month, it will be Save the Manatees.

I am full of awe and gratitude to my Father in Heaven for being able catch this cancer early when it was such an aggressive one. There are no coincidences in life, but there are tender mercies and I’m thankful that I live in this area , at this time, with people who are important to me.

Did you know that the word "manatee" means woman's breast in the Carib language. Coincidence? I think not!

There can be miracles when you believe in God.
Have a miracle to share? Find me on Facebook: Sister-Jenessa Hutchins  and Sister-Jenessa Heckel or like the When You Believe in God Facebook page! We would love nothing more than to share your miracles with the world.

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