Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Miracle 147: Sickly to Service

This wonderful miracle comes from a faithful missionary who had to fight in order to serve her fellow man. What would you be willing to fight for?

I have witnessed so many miracles. Especially on my mission. The miracle that stands out to me is the reason WHY I am serving a mission. A year before my mission, I became sick and the doctors were not sure what it was, although they suspected that it wasn't good at all. During the trial of uncertainty and illness and medical tests, I became worried that this would keep me from serving a mission. (Which I had always wanted to do) I received a blessing telling me that no matter what the illness was, I would still be able to serve a mission and that this experience would help me help others come closer to Christ.
All through that time of worry, something ran through my mind, asking me a simple question: "would you want to do this again?" This question repeated over and over for several days, with the same answer I would give:"NO!" Again, the Spirit asked this until one day it finally clicked. The simple question came differently saying: "Would you do this again FOR THEM?" Immediately, I found my heart already know who"they" were. I felt something inside me that seemed to be crying out "Yes! In a heart beat! Even just to help one soul!" In an instant I felt love and the Spirit come over me. Love for complete strangers I have never met. People I would meet someday, and people who I could share my experience with. Because of this miracle, I have a small understanding of what Christ has done for me. I know that Jesus Christ suffered and died for us. And He would do it over again. Even just for one. I know He would suffer all over again just to say "I know how you feel." I know this. And because I know this, I will share it. Jesus is the Christ. ‪

Have a miracle to share? Find us on Facebook: through the When You Believe in God Facebook page! We would love nothing more than to share your miracles with the world.

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