Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Miracle 141: The Power of Tithing

This perfect tithing miracle is from a newlywed wife living with her husband in Virginia!

My husband and I had a really big miracle happen about a year and a half ago. My husband entered the Navy and in December of 2012 we recieved his first set of orders to move to Norfolk, VA. We had saved up a lot of our money preparing for a big move. Now the military will reimburse you for the move but only after the proper paperwork has been filed. We moved about a month sooner then I was prepared for and being 4 months pregnant surely didn't help. But while my husband was in basic my relationship with Heavenly Father had grown significantly. When we moved out there we lived in a hotel and had to eat out for every meal unto we could find an apartment. Which we were able to for a great price, but a lot of our savings was depleted. My husband filed the paperwork but week after week we never heard anything. As we were buying the last of our soon to be born babies necessities I realized we only had $300 in our bank account left. I prayed to Heavenly Father knowing that if we paid our tithing we would have so much less. But I felt the spirit so strongly and knew paying our tithing was what we needed to do. So we did. Three months after we had moved I logged into our bank account and the military had finally reimbursed us! It was more then we were expecting but it certainly was enough to no longer stress about money. I know that Heavenly Father was looking out for us and by doing the right thing we were blessed so significantly! I constantly keep that memory close whenever I start to waiver on tithing and know good will always come from it!

Have a miracle to share? Find us on Facebook: through the When You Believe in God Facebook page! We would love nothing more than to share your miracles with the world.

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