Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Miracle 140: "Now I am here, in Zhenjiang, China"

This powerful miracle is from a dear high school friend of mine who is currently living in China! God really does answer prayers in His perfect timing.

About a year ago, in October of 2013, I was struggling. I'm a college student at BYU, and I had no idea what I should do with my life. So many options lay before me, but every path seemed to twist out of sight, and I could not tell which decision was the best for me. I longed, more than anything, to serve in some way, and yet all the possible routes and options didn't seem to work. Some were too expensive, others didn't feel right. Staying at school didn't seem to fit, either, and going home didn't feel okay. I was stuck. In a serious way.

I remember that time very clearly, and I can honestly say that there wasn't a single night for about six months in which I did not cry myself to sleep every night. Hours were spent on my knees in fervent prayer, asking God what I should do with my life, asking that the pain be taken away. You can imagine how frustrating and hurtful it was when sometimes the pain wasn't taken away. Finally, one day, I received an answer to my dilemma. "There is an option that you have not considered yet." So, patiently, I waited for that option to present itself. I kept myself busy with school, with work, with friends, and with travel. And I forgot about this answer.

Exactly one year later, I found myself thoughtlessly applying for a volunteer program not expecting to be accepted. However, not long after applying, and email soon arrived that informed me that I'd been accepted to teach English to kindergarteners in China, and I would be leaving February 1. That night, as I knelt to pray, I was reminded of that answer that I had received exactly a year ago, and I felt a sweet whisper and reminder that this was the option I had waited for. Now I am here, in Zhenjiang, China. I wake up every morning and greet children from ages 2-7 as they walk through the gate. I watch as their eyes widen when they realize that the world is bigger than they thought, and that they could have it all, if they wanted. They smile at me and tell me shyly that they love me. Every day is hard, some days I feel as if I want to tear my hair out. But their angel smiles remind me every day that there is so much joy to be found, when we find the courage to believe in God.

Have a miracle to share? Find us on Facebook: through the When You Believe in God Facebook page! We would love nothing more than to share your miracles with the world.

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