Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Miracle 126: Completely Healed

This incredible miracle is from a kind man living in a small town in Florida!

While serving as a missionary in Medellin, Colombia in June 1982, my companion and I received a phone call from the mission home that some non-members had requested a blessing for their sick four-year-old daughter. They were desperate. They had been to the best medical help, tried every church, and spent thousands of dollars to have their daughter healed, to no avail. We were a last resort for them. We made arrangements to meet the father  and his family that same evening. The father was a good man and a great father, who only wanted the best for his young family. Based on his previous religious experiences, he asked us "How much do you charge for blessings?" He added that he didn't have much money left, but he would try to come up with whatever we asked. We responded that this priesthood blessing was a gift from Christ and free for all. His next question was about our authority, "Who was it from?" This, for us was a wonderful opportunity to explain the gospel. His wife had faith in the Lord, but was bitter with life and "turned-off" to organized religion because of the plight of their daughter. 

Their four-year-old daughter was the most pitiful little thing I had ever seen. She couldn't breathe properly. Her chest would rise and fall rapidly as she tried to catch her breath. She constantly ran a fever, and had been bedridden for the previous two years. We gave the man and his wife discussion "C" (on the Restoration) that night. Afterward we told them we would give their daughter a blessing, but their faith was as necessary as our priesthood authority. They said they believed. We blessed that poor helpless child that night, and the spirit touched me like never before. Everyone felt the spirit, and at the conclusion of the blessing everyone was in tears. We knew she would be healed, her parents knew it, and she knew it. As we left the appointment and walked home that evening the feelings of the spirit continued and my companion and I both experienced a sensation that felt like we were floating down the street. 

The next day went by quickly as we attended to our other investigator families, but there was only one thing on our minds; this little girl. When we returned we had hoped to see some improvement in her condition, perhaps to see her standing on her own, or better yet to see her taking a few feeble steps with assistance. As representatives of the Lord we built up their hopes pretty high, and were hoping they wouldn't be let down. When we finally returned the next afternoon, and rounded the last corner to their house, our weak faith became apparent to both of us. For in front of us, this little girl who had been unable to get out of bed for two years, was running and playing with the other children in the street. She had been completely healed. We had underestimated the power of the priesthood. Thankfully the Lord didn't limit her blessing to the limitations we imagined. Later the father told us the blessing had a more drastic effect on his wife than their daughter. After two years of caring for a sick child and trying everything, she had given up hope. She was having a nervous breakdown. The blessing also changed her heart. Their family was baptized after receiving the remaining discussions.

There will be miracles when you believe in God.

Have a miracle to share? Find us on Facebook: through the When You Believe in God Facebook page! We would love nothing more than to share your miracles with the world.

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